BR Bo-Bo Class 33 "Crompton" No. 33012 / D6515
Crompton No 33012 is owned by the 71A Loco Group, and returned to Swanage in time for the May 2011 Diesel Gala after undergoing overhaul at Eastleigh works.
The 71A locomotive Group was founded in 1996 by a group of Eastleigh train drivers who came together to preserve class 33 number 33008 Eastleigh.
The Group successfully tendered for 33012 - along with 33109 and 33208 - when EWS offered several class 33s for sale in March 1997.
33012 was gradually repaired and eventually moved to the Swanage Railway in October 1999.
33012 hauled the final freight train on the Wimborne line on 3 May 1977 carrying a special headboard "The Last Train from Wimborne 3 May 1977".